Newcomer Support

Services that provide support to individuals who are new to Canada.

Centre de Santé Communautaire Postnatal Programs for Parents

Work: 905-528-0163 x3230
Email: Web: Address: Hours:
Contact for information.
Who can access this service:

French-speaking parents and their children. 

How to apply:

Contact for information.

Offers a variety of classes for new parents and their babies.

  • Baby Talk (0-12 months): child safety, introducing solids, first aid, postpartum depression
  • Workshops for Parents (0-6 years): postpartum depressing, parent/child bonding, burns, water safety, poisons, food safety, healthy eating for mother and baby, health impacts of obesity
  • Postnatal Yoga Classes (0-12 months): teaches relaxation for both mothers and babies while enhancing babies’ sensory experience and the development of their nervous system

Centre de santé Communautaire Services for Newcomers

Work: 905-528-0163 (x3226 or x3331)
Email: Web: Address: Hours:
Contact for information.
Who can access this service:

Services for French-speaking persons who are newly immigrated to Canada.

How to apply:

Contact for information.

Works with local partners to offer a wide range of services and activities in order to help newcomer individuals and families settle and integrate into their new community and obtain access to health and social services. 

Services include:

  • Reception services
  • Community connections
  • Settling into school life
  • Settlement hub

Good Shepherd Centres, Women's Services

Crisis Line Number: 905-523-6277
Email: Web: Address: Hours:
Contact for information.
Who can access this service:

Women with or without children who are victims of domestic violence.

How to apply:

Contact for information.

Provides a place of sanctuary, safety, and support for women (and their children) with a variety of programs.

Family Court Support Worker Program

Facilitates a victim’s understanding of and passage through the family court system. Support provided includes:

  • information on the family court process
  • assistance in preparing for family court proceedings (documenting history of abuse, accessing Legal Aid, 
  • debriefing with clients following family court appearances
  • referral to specialized services and supports in the community
  • safety planning 
  • court accompaniment to proceedings when appropriate

Transitional Housing and Support Program

  • Helps women and their children access services to establish violence and abuse-free lives in the community.

Second Stage Services

  • Offers furnished, affordable housing to both single women and women with children for up to one year. Supports are geared to creating greater physical, emotional, and financial stability in the aftermath of violence and abuse.

Health Connections Information Line

Email: Web: Address:
Who can access this service:

Prenatal, expectant parents, and families with children starting from birth to 6 years of age

How to apply:

No referral required. Call 905-546-3550 for service.

A telephone line answered by Public Health Nurses to provide information and assistance for expectant parents and families with children up to 6 years of age, on various health topics including:

  • safety 
  • nutrition
  • parenting
  • mental health
  • breastfeeding
  • growth and development

Immigrant Women at the Core

Web: Address: Hours:
Who can access this service:

Newcomer women

How to apply:

Contact for information.

This bi-weekly virtual program is offered by an Access Facilitator for newcomer women to address their unique health and wellness-related issues.

Immigrants Working Centre Settlement Services

Web: Address: Hours:
Contact for information.
Who can access this service:

Open to all newcomers to Canada.

How to apply:

Contact for information.

Provides a range of services to support newcomers get settled in Canada. Settlement counsellors assist newcomer families with the following:

  • settlement information
  • orientation and referral to community resources
  • interpretation services
  • assistance with making appointments
  • assistance filling out government forms

Refuge Hamilton Centre for Newcomer Health Services

Fax Number: 905-526-0001
Email: Web: Address: Hours:
Who can access this service:

Newcomers who are experiencing barriers to healthcare access, government assisted refugees and refugee claimants, privately sponsored refugees.

How to apply:

Contact for appointment.

Provides primary healthcare services to new immigrants, including refugees, and to those who face barriers in accessing culturally-appropriate healthcare services.

Services include:

  • Routine physical exams
  • Immunizations for both adults and children
  • Assessment and treatment of acute episodic illnesses
  • Chronic disease management
  • Family contraceptive planning
  • Home visits
  • Mental health counseling and support
  • Nutrition assessment and counseling
  • Information, advocacy, service referral and support
  • Translation and interpretation services
  • Health services navigation
  • Triage service for urgent issues
  • Pediatric care

Wesley Newcomer Services - Resettlement Assistance Program

Work: 905-528-5629 x301
Fax Number: 905-528-9977
Email: Web: Address: Hours:
Closed 12 noon-1pm
Who can access this service:

Open to government assisted refugees (GARs)

How to apply:

Contact for information.

Under the national Resettlement Assistance Program (RAP), the Government of Canada helps Government-Assisted Refugees (GARs) when they first arrive in Canada by providing direct financial support, and funding the provision of immediate and essential services. Wesley delivers RAP immediate and essential services to clients generally within four to six weeks of arrival in Canada.

These services include:

  • reception services and temporary accommodation at Wesley Reception Centre and/or hotel
  • assistance with locating permanent accommodation
  • needs assessment and referrals to other settlement programs and community based services
  • information and orientation on financial and non-financial information
  • life skills training
  • links to essential federal and provincial programs

YWCA Hamilton Newcomer Settlement Services

Web: Address: Hours:
Contact for information.
Who can access this service:

Participants must:

  • identify as a woman, non binary person or gender-diverse newcomer and,
  • be selected by IRCC as a Permanent Resident, Protected Person/Convention Refugee or a Live-in Caregiver: Temporary Foreign Worker with an approved work permit
How to apply:

Contact for information.

Offering settlement services for newcomer women and gender-diverse folks, providing a comprehensive range of services and support immigrants settling in their new communities. Some of the services offered through this program are:

  • One-on-one and group settlement counselling on topics related to housing, education, healthcare, transportation, and more
  • Referrals to other community agencies and government services
  • Assistance in filling out the forms and applications
  • Information sessions with guest speakers from various walks of life
  • Assistance with making appointments and connecting with other services